As businesses have been forced to adapt to the new post-COVID-19 lifestyle, many are pivoting to be online (or more online). If you’ve been doing plenty of online orders lately, you may find yourself in possession of a huge cache of emails and wondering what to do with them. Though it might be obvious, newsletters… Read more
How to get yourself on the web quickly (when in a crisis)
Last week we put together a blog to help those in our community that have had to move their business online fast. We went over how to get yourself set up, which platforms we’d recommend, and how you can get things running over time. Then we got to thinking—what do you do if you’re a… Read more
E-commerce is for everyone
As an office, we’ve been trying to brainstorm ways we can help ease the stress felt by our colleagues, clients, and friends as the world works to contain COVID-19. With everyone being asked to stay home and non-essential businesses told to shut their doors, it seems like a good time for businesses to start thinking… Read more
What it takes to write a website
It’s happening! You’re finally revamping your company’s website—or maybe creating it for the first time! There will be kickoff meetings, interviews, and then the “good stuff” can finally begin: Logos! Colour schemes! Design!! We know it’s all very exciting—we’re excited too! But we want to put this READ ME tidbit here before we get too… Read more
No such thing as a classically-trained content strategist
A conversation with Kasandra Staniscia Changing jobs is tough, but changing fields entirely can be truly daunting. While it can be scary to think about, it can also be exciting! Just take it from Kasandra Staniscia— journalist turned yoga teacher turned communicator turned content strategist extraordinaire. Talk about an impressive resume! Kasandra is now part… Read more
Interdo’s and interdon’t’s
Kobot’s hot tips for conducting interviews that are good for everyone In recent years, the importance of conducting research before you begin work on a project has started to gain more clout. Professionals in all sectors are realizing the full scope of what they need to do before starting a project—and it can be daunting!… Read more
Introducing: Ask Kobot Anything
Welcome to the Kobot blog! Personally, I (Jodie) have always felt more of the “new year, new me” impulse in the fall than in the New Year. So that is my explanation for why we’ve had a fully redone, rebranded website since February (Pretty slick, eh?) and we’re just getting this blog rolling now. But… Read more